Saturday, December 29, 2012

Declaration Against Edward Manning

Declaration against Webster, Bayneham, Manning, Ford, and Yard, who are active against the Parliament in Holland.

"Whereas John Webster, Theophilus Bayneham, Edward Maning, Richard Ford, and James Yard, Merchants, contrary to their Allegiance and Duty, have done and committed several Actions, tending to the Destruction of this Kingdom, and to maintain the bloody and most unnatural War now raised against the Parliament and Kingdom: It is Declared, by the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, That the said John Webster, Theophilus Bayneham, Edward Manning, Richard Ford, and James Yard, have, by the said Actions, manifested themselves to be Incendiaries and Enemies to the Parliament and Kingdom of England: And be it Ordained, by the said Lords and Commons, That if any Person or Subject of this Kingdom shall, after Publication hereof, employ the said John Webster, Theophilus Bayneham, Edward Maning, Richard Ford, and James Yard, or any of them, in their Service, as Factors, or otherwise, in Trading or Merchandize, or consign or convey any Money, Merchandize, or Goods, to them, or any of them, or to others to their or any of their Use or Uses, That all such Goods shall be taken and seized on as forfeited; and such Persons, for sending such Money, Goods, and Merchandize, to be taken as Aiders and Maintainers of Persons that are Traitors and Rebels; and that the Deputy Governors and Assistants of the Fellowship of the Merchant Adventurers residing at Rotterdam, in Holland, do forthwith exclude the Persons above-named their Court, and from all Meetings of the said Fellowship, and not permit them to enjoy any Privilege or Immunity granted or belonging to the said Fellowship and Company; and that the said Deputy Governor and Assistants do forthwith cause the said Theophilus Bayneham, James Yard, and Richard Ford, to be apprehended and taken, and to be sent over into this Kingdom, to be proceeded with as Incendiaries between The States of the United Provinces and Parliament of England, and as Persons that have attempted to break the Amity and long-continued Union and Friendship between the said Two Nations."

Issued in 1644 under the reign of King Charles I,  Catholic King. It is believed that the Manning's( Protestants)  left England  in 1635 to avoid religious persecution. 

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